The Mentioning of Patriarch Skayordi Haykazuniin a Cuneiform Inscription
The number of cuneiform inscriptions of the Kingdom of Van is estimated at around 900 , most of which are so-called monumental inscriptions written on the stones, steles, column bases and rocks which served as a basis for cuneiform deciphering. Comparatively much less (around two dozen) is the number of documents and letters written on clay tablets. They differ from the monumental inscriptions by their content, graphics, style and lexicon. For that reason, their exact deciphering is connected with certain difficulties and most of them get considerably different interpretations by scholars or remain non-translated . A century ago in the territory (Western Armenia) of the ancient city of mRusa=ḫi=ne=le ŠADÛQi/elbani=kai a similar inscription (document) was discovered and published by Lehmann-Haupt which should be probably dated by the reign period of Rusa II (around 685-645 BCE), son of Argište II. By its content, this inscription consists of two parts, a header and the main text. The header is a means of dating where the date is fixed according to the most significant event(s) of the year. We should focus on its first part (header) which is on the tablet’s facial side and occupies the first six lines.

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